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3 Little Talked About Ways to Sell Sunglasses in Your Town

Jul 07, 2024 Olympic Eyewear


We love the fact that so many customers who count on us to be their main distributor of wholesale sunglasses sell what they purchase from us online. Ecommerce plays a key role in their success. But many of our customers sell designer sunglasses the old-fashioned way: in a brick-and-mortar store.

Brick-and-mortar retailers need to rely on different marketing methods that go above and beyond websites and SEO. They need to meet their customers where they are, which is to say the town in which they do business. There are plenty of ways to do it. Just because you are not selling the wholesale sunglasses you purchase from us online does not mean your marketing opportunities are any less plentiful.

To demonstrate the point, we have put together three little talked-about ways to sell sunglasses in your town. They are all designed to not only increase your brand awareness, but also to make a connection with your audience in a very concrete way.

1. Combine Your Sunglasses With a Cause

In recent years, consumers have become more aware of the world around them. They expect the companies they do business with to practice at least some level of social responsibility. We think that this is good. We also think that not taking advantage of it equates to leaving a very good marketing strategy on the table.

How do you take advantage of it? By combining your sunglasses with a cause. Pick one or two nonprofit organizations that share your values. Maybe you are passionate about protecting marine life from plastic litter. Perhaps you believe strongly in helping people who are in trouble. Whatever the case, commit to donating a certain percentage of each sale to your favorite causes. Let people know exactly what you are doing, so they can partner with you by buying your products.

2. Team Up With Local Businesses

Another little talked about marketing method involves teaming up with other businesses to offer special deals. This used to be a very popular sales strategy before the public internet ushered in ecommerce. It still works for brick-and-mortar sales promotions.

Let us use the example of you teaming up with a local beauty salon. You can offer your customers a discount on their next salon visit with every purchase meeting a certain value threshold. Meanwhile, the salon can issue coupons for sunglass discounts when their customers pay for a particular service. By reciprocating, both you and the salon owner bring in more business.

3. Tap Into Social Media

This third idea involves the internet even though it has nothing to do with ecommerce. We suggest tapping into social media and its potential to help you drive a local audience. Doing so is as simple as running a contest.

Invite your local customers to take a picture of themselves while wearing the sunglasses they purchased from you – and mentioning your store. Enter them into a contest for a free pair. Every time their posts are liked, their names are added to a pool. At the end of the contest period, you are going to pull a name from that pool. The winner gets the prize.

Selling designer sunglasses in a brick-and-mortar store can be just as profitable as selling online. The key to both types of business is meeting your customers where they are. If you can make that connection, you can sell. We hope to be a part of your sales growth by being your primary provider of wholesale sunglasses for men, women, and children. Check out our inventory and then place your first order.

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